
July 31, 2012

Dramatic ?! Yes =)

it's Monday , Blue monday that kicked start my very first Final Text in college
although the test start at 5pm but i've been in the school metro library since 8am  ( hardworking ahemm

当然, 我不可能这么专心念几个钟的书, 
大概10++ 就受不了准备到处 lepak 下~~ 
非常 意外的事就发生了!!

One of my classmate get drunk , Yes Drunk in the Early morning , 
一边趴在地上爬着, 然后一边 yell Something... 

话说我是第一个发现他的人, 慌倒是没有, 总觉得他在做什么戏?
然后某位路过的同学就赶快找了security 来~~
5-6 个security 都搞不顶, 然后我再call了他几个在library念书的好朋友+seniors 过来
终于抬他到 students service department resting room ..


然后他就开始在room 里面发酒疯.
当我发现他时, 记得他很清醒的告诉我他喝醉了,
不过看他这么疯, 其他伙伴就觉得是他undergoing depression 
他女朋友 ( 也是我们的同学) 就只在那里一直... 哭~

囧~~ 随便拉!

然后 ... 
i have no idea why i cant stop making jokes in the resting room - with a senior
everything macam yes

( memang YES ..

actually we had lot of fun la . 
feel like all our friendship are getting better

and this guy said :
" EH? i tot filminute ( a film competition ) , i'm there searching for camera " LOL ~~

and then
我们大概... 3个same age + 6-7 seniors  + lecturer + 2-3 Counselor 在那里度过个美好的中午~
一下睡着, 一下喃喃自语 .. 

seniors 们也顺便在那里念书了 - 话说他们 2点就考试了
等到他平静下来 , 距离他们考试也剩 1 小时了 ..
加油吧 亲爱的senior 们~~ 

这样一来我直接没有mood 念书了~ 累了~~

不过所幸我差不多也准备 好了~

考试咯? =)